Serving the Santa Rosa, California community

Creating a Balanced Life for dogs and their Humans.

We’re more than just a dog care serviceβ€”we’re family.

Bark N Barrel treats your dog like family with my Home-Environment, Ranch-Style Boarding, and Learn and Play Doggie Daycare that includes pack walks. I provide dog parents like you with the warm, fuzzy feeling you thought was impossible when leaving your dog in the care of someone else. Your dog craves more than just exercise and supervision. Bark N Barrel is all about creating a stimulating and social environment built to ignite your dog’s inner potential.

Debbie posing with her two dogs on the grass
Two dogs running outside, playing

From owner, Debbie Keiser

A Message to pet parents

β€œYour dog will not only get the experience they crave when they’re in my care, they will want to come back for more.”

When creating Bark N Barrel I had one thing in mindβ€”I wanted to create a safe and structured environment where both dogs and pet parents can feel at ease. I created multiple programs structured around helping your dog feel fulfilled and relaxed. THAT is why Bark N Barrel has becomeΒ a place where your dog isn’t just another wagging tail coming through the door, but they’re also a part of MY FAMILY. I care for them just as if they were my own because that’s how it should be.


Proper socialization with rules and boundaries where your dog can learn positive healthy behaviors


I lead with energy, proper communication, and natural instincts. Which creates a calm environment for your dog to grow and learn


I remove the anxiety, fear, frustration, and uncertainty so your dog can succeed

Debbie hugging a white dog

My journey

Debbie Keiser

Owner and Pack Leader

With over 17 years of experience in the pet industry, Debbie has had her hands in a variety of careers including Shelter Volunteer and Head Veterinary Technician. After searching for a kennel for her own dogs, she decided she could do better and opened Bark N Barrel. Debbie’s programs focus not only on pet care but on training, providing the perfect amount of mental and physical stimulation.Β She continuously attends dog training workshops, seminars and classes in order to best take care of your pet.Β 

Read more of Debbie's story

“The big question is why should you choose me to watch over one of the most essential members of your family?

I created Bark N Barrel with one thing in mind. To create a place where not only clients feel confident and comfortable leaving their dog. But a place their dog would learn good play behavior, get mental and physical exercise. Learn how to properly navigate a leash with lots of different environmental distractions and stimuli. But most of all a place, that would enhance, maintain, improve, all the training you have already put in on your dog.

Β I have learned in my work, that the more consistently a dog attends the program, the more balanced their experience becomes, the more calm, clear, and routine the handler/leader’s experience, and the more committed the client is to their dog’s experience.

Β This program is really special. This is not a run-of-the-mill daycare/walking/boarding program. Both the variety provided of structured off-leash time and balanced on-leash walks is unique. The skills & techniques involved and the patience & time taken to impart information to each dog (in the way they need) have been built & practiced over 15 years and through paying a lot of attention and spending enormous amounts of time obsessing over my field of work. I am dedicated to my continued education through seminars, books, shadowing trainers, and learning all that I can when I can.

Β My goal is to better the relationship between my clients and their dogs. So that they can live the life they always wanted. Through understanding their dog’s behavior, and learning how to better communicate. In a way, their dog can reciprocate. With busy lives, and not enough time in the day. I wanted to give my clients an outlet for their dog so that they could have peace of mind. That their dog will come home happy, fulfilled, and balanced.

Β And with that Bark N Barrel was born.

Pet services

Signature services

Debbie walking a pack of dogs over a wooden bridge
Tennis ball icon

Pack Walk & Daycare

After a complimentary pickup, your dog will enjoy the day with a morning Group Pack Adventure walk followed by off-leash socialization at Bark N Barrel headquarters.

Trainer with a happy dog
House icon

Ranch-Style Boarding

Your dog will love staying at the fenced-in, two-acre countryside ranch with plenty of space to roam, sniff, and play alongside his canine friends.


What my clients say

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Bark n’ Barrel has been a blessing for us! Our dog has a ton of energy but is generally nervous and has a hard time turning things off and settling down. We’ve taken him to other daycare centers and he has fun and does well with other dogs, but we don’t get the support we need for how to manage his anxiety and reactivity. Debbie offers the dogs structure and not only does our little guy come home exhausted physically, but mentally he’s so much more calm and in tune with us the next day. We love that we can use Debbie as a resource and she has helped us find ways of managing our dog’s anxiety at home and we have noticed nothing but good changes in him. Above all else, our dog LOVES his time at Bark n’ Barrel. We love getting pictures and videos of him at the end of the day and we especially love that we can rest assured knowing that he’s in the most capable hands.

Hairy Pawter's Parents

Santa Rosa, California

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We are relative newcomers to Debbie’s β€œfamily” … less than a year … but feel we have found a home-away-from-home for our dog Riley. Riley had been going to another daycare but was asked to leave. Riley is, shall we say, ENERGETIC. Debbie met with Riley and agreed to bring her into the fold … 2 days with pack-walks and daycare. Riley was a bit timid at first, but Debbie was a master at getting Riley comfortable and pairing her with other dogs of similar playstyles. Riley also has sleepovers at Debbie’s when we are out of town. We have such a comfort level knowing that Riley is in a supportive and caring environment with Debbie, and Riley is ecstatic!

Riley's Parents

Santa Rosa, California

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